My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Before I was introduced to Julie Presley's writing, it had been years, decades even, since I read any Christian Fiction because of how unrealistic it all felt to me.
With her first book, Stones of Remembrance (which I read semi-reluctantly...should I be saying that in a review?) Julie made me a fiction reader once again. With her latest book, Nor Forsake, I am officially her biggest fan! I felt like she was writing MY STORY in so many ways, with just some of the details changed to protect my identity!
My favorite part of Julie's writing is how she weaves truth into the fabric of her stories and how the characters seamlessly interact with God throughout the book. Her writing is real, gutsy, and definitely "not your mama's Christian Fiction", which I'm pretty sure I coined that phrase specifically for her.
I won't add any spoilers, but this book is like reading a story within a story. I loved it! I was surprised that it worked so easily. Nor Forsake gave me hope for the future, not in a fictitious "and-they-lived-happily-ever-after" way, but in a realistic, redemptive way.
I eagerly await her next book!
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